Human Development

Last updated: 2000.12.01

The 5th Symposium on Human Development

Becoming human/ Being human

December 2, 2000

The International Conference Center Kobe
(Port Island, Kobe)

Announcement in Japanese

The Faculty of Human Development of Kobe University is pleased to announce that an international symposium on the sciences for human development will be held in Kobe on December 2, 2000. The main theme this time is "Becoming human/ Being human". With scholars working in diverse academic areas brought together, this is going to be an extremely interesting, intellectually stimulating event.

The symposium is open to the public. Anybody interested in exploring the depth and breadth of issures related to human development is welcome to join us at the International Conference Center Kobe on December 2. A simultaneous translation service between Japanese and English will be provided.

Attendance requires no registration fee, but registration in advance is appreciated though not required. If you would like to attend this symposium, go to the registration page (in English | in Japanese) now and sign up.

        The 5th Symposium on Human Development (as of Nov. 23, 2000)

**** The 5th Symposium on Human Development
  / International Conference for the development of studies on 
    Human Development /
  / The 2nd International conference in a series of
     networking of Human Intelligence /

** Theme: Becoming Human / Being Human

** December 2, 2000 ( Sat. ) 9:45 - 18:30
** The International Conference Center Kobe, Port Iand, Kobe
** Sponsored by
 -- Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University
 -- Research Center for Human Sciences, Faculty of Human Development,
     Kobe University
** Registration
 -- Free
 -- Online registration: In English; In Japanese


The Aim of the symposium

  The 21st century is anticipated to be full of uncertainty.  What is
necessary for us who are to live in such an era of uncertainty is the
creation of new system of values and culture through the networking
of human intelligence in various fields which tend to be unlinked with
each other.  This symposium organized by the Faculty of Human
Development, Kobe University, and the Research Center for Human
Sciences attached to the Faculty is part of such attempts to seek for
the form of human intelligence in the new era.
  In the upcoming 5th symposium, whose theme is "Becoming Human /
Being Human", we have so useful and stimulative lectures and panel
discussion, from the aspects of both "Human Evolution and Human
Development" and "Living as Human in modern society".


** Opening Address:
    Tomoyuki Nogami (Dean, Faculty of Human Development)

** SESSION 1   Human Evolution and Human Development
      Coordinated by: Shigeo Shimizu and Yuka Okada
 * Lectures:
   Ian Tattersall (American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA)
     "Human Physical and Cognitive Evolution"
   Gentaro Taga (Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo, JPN)
     "Dynamics of Early Development of Motion and Perception"
   Yoshiaki Takei (Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University, JPN)
     "Heart Rate Variability and Human Development"
 * Comments and Panel Discussion for Session 1
   Comments by: Bernard Spodek (University of Illinois, USA), 
	faculty members
   Panel Discussion by: Ian Tattersall, Gentaro Taga, and Yoshiaki Takei
Coffee Break

** SESSION 2 -- Living as Human
      Coordinated by: Toshikatsu Oda and Naoki Odaka
 * Lectures:
   Bernhard Wilpert (Berlin University of Technology, Germany)
     "Changing Work Life in Modern Society"
    Kiyokazu Washida (Graduate School of Literature, Osaka University, JPN)
     to be announced
   Yosuke Hirayama  (Faculty of Human Development, Kobe University, JPN)
     "Space of Multi-Voices"
 * Comments and Panel Discussion for Session 2
   Cmments by:  David. Robinson (Open University, GB), faculty members
   Panel Discussion (Bernhard Wilpert, Kiyokazu Washida, Yosuke Hirayama)

** Closing Address:
    Kuniyoshi Ebina (Chairperson of the Research Promotion Committee)

Welcom Party (18:45-- ) Fee: 6,000 yen (3,000 yen for student)

* with simultaneous interpretation
* Registration
   In English | In Japanese

* Information :
  Phone: +81-78-803-7905 ( General Affairs Section )

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